:▓▓183199-99192▓▓ ▓▓Q+Q:152066-6662▓▓五星宏辉保单机技术打法交流
黑红梅方保单机破解.善待你的财富!!! 目前效果稳定,这个没有接触是不行的,绝对没有错。真正的技术打法是有一个接收器一个显示器,接收器一定要插卡的才行。别的不敢相信。
The mother of five str Honghui the ltest technology to cpture ten meters scope in fine micro coustic sound. Distinguish the voice. The sound music. printing mchine ink. Needle type printer when trcking. Through close in sound nlysis softwre. The villge leisure nd identified. For three word word or word is not the sme. The technology lmost 1 0 0% to debte. The subbnd vibrtion function, self hs set. Five musicins plying single mchine g str! Speed fst to one step. Home lone. The sound to five str Honghui word record. The serch function very strong, you in ddition to ording to the illumintion nd key words in the routine serch outside, unique voice recognition function, nd even cn be for specific printer voice serch cble nd distinguish. The outer tble, such s the cll mchine with vibrtion. Before the villge will be vibrting once. Idle for two times!
黑红梅方保单机破解.善待你的财富!!! 目前效果稳定,这个没有接触是不行的,绝对没有错。真正的技术打法是有一个接收器一个显示器,接收器一定要插卡的才行。别的不敢相信。
The mother of five str Honghui the ltest technology to cpture ten meters scope in fine micro coustic sound. Distinguish the voice. The sound music. printing mchine ink. Needle type printer when trcking. Through close in sound nlysis softwre. The villge leisure nd identified. For three word word or word is not the sme. The technology lmost 1 0 0% to debte. The subbnd vibrtion function, self hs set. Five musicins plying single mchine g str! Speed fst to one step. Home lone. The sound to five str Honghui word record. The serch function very strong, you in ddition to ording to the illumintion nd key words in the routine serch outside, unique voice recognition function, nd even cn be for specific printer voice serch cble nd distinguish. The outer tble, such s the cll mchine with vibrtion. Before the villge will be vibrting once. Idle for two times!
Five str Honghui therml sensitive printer: most universl het sensitive plying printing mchine with bnd nd hot point rry of fixed print hed, hit print hed provided with 3 2 0 points, every 0.25 mm * 0.25 mm. With this point, the printer cn be used to mke point on the het sensitive pper, this technology hs been used in pper printing mchine nd lbel printing mchine. Het sensitive plying printing technology most erly to use the fx mchine, the bsic principle is the printer received five str Honghui word conversion point rry signl control of het sensitive unit of het, the het sensitive pper on het sensitive lyer is coted with het significntly influence. Before the eye, therml sensitive printer hs been in the O S P end of the end of the system, the silver line system, therpeutic instrument, electric power nd power to ply, you ply mchine nd other fields hve to be widely used.
Go Singh Hon Huy I Ch Gich Kim Hon Huy Dw Q Kit Hu Ji Po, the solution device of mchine of this sort of crck method nd Bi is rel, the generl I not told it to tret your welth + + the effect is stble, this ply is not tht you listen to me, there is bsolutely nothing wrong with rel technicl fighting method is receiver nd disply, receiver would hve to be the crd to. nything else cn't believe.
In the industry, the so-clled technology is nothing more thn two kinds, one is clled BUG, kind of clled skills. BUG is loophole for mture product mrket for yers _, wnt to find the holes lmost impossible. There is only one possibility tht the vulnerbility exists, nd tht is wht the progrmmer intended to mke. This should strt from the production of the mchine. The strength of the pny will hire number of progrmmers, costly, the development of the ltest products, but not long on the mrket, it ws number of smll fctories pirted. Becuse the technology is not difficult to copy single bord. These smll plnts to independent development, but the products re chep hlf function nd genuine, nturl love mchine boss. In order to crck down on pircy, the originl mnufcturer is in the progrm settings bug, either by you to pircy, s long s you replenishment to certin rnge, I nnounced bug, suddenly let your loss is huge. nnounced the pssword, mchine cn ply on t lest one million yun, while the mchine is priced t only few million, the loss of nturl cler. The progrm is developed, reltively lso cn crck. Brek the principle: microprocessor chip, minly by the formtion of the received signl mplifying trnsistor, crystl oscilltor, infrred light emitting diode nd mtrix position. Its working principle is s follows: internl microprocessor chip IC1 crystl oscilltor through the oscilltion of X 2, 3 feet nd the externl ponent of high frequency oscilltor, high-frequency oscilltion signl. This signl is sent to the sine signl timing signl genertor nd the timing pulse signl. The sine signl into the encoding modultor s crrier signl; timing pulse signl sent for sweep signl genertor, keying encoder nd encoder s the instruction circuit time stndrd signl. Key rmtion is coded into pulse signl coding circuit nd different key coding pulse, pulse signls re mplified to drive the infrred light-emitting diode to send out pulse infrred. (must be equipped with built-in tkes pckge is instlled in order to use) when the control devition is lrge (high speed). The control system includes two prts: the control loop is closed on the first, the mchine running speed control. When we sk mchine progrm unit to certin speed, ording to rotry encoder feedbck bck mchine progrm group current pulse digitl signl nd the reltive speed of signl conversion, rel-time djust the inverter frequency vlue, to quickly rech stble stedy speed opertion unit of the subroutine. Second, is for the closed-loop displcement control mchine progrm group. When we require the mchine progrm group to rech destintion ddress, ording to the current pulse digitl signl fed bck by the rotry encoder, ording to the preset control strtegy djust the inverter frequency vlue, mchine subroutine groups to higher speeds close to the loction of the destintion ddress, then smooth decelertion to low speed opertion, rrive t the destintion ddress when brking stop qusi. Blck plum king Ysn skill _ blck plum press lw skills
买一套设备解决以上问题,迎刃而解。 I83++ I999 + 9I92 @q1520+666662
买一套设备解决以上问题,迎刃而解。 I83++ I999 + 9I92 @q1520+666662